Sandra 2nd October 2021

Having just become aware of the death of David I wanted to say how sad I feel at his loss, obviously a big one to the ringing world but such a huge one for Katherine and his lovely boys. Very sorry to hear such news. I didn't really know David except as part of the camaraderie shown towards me at SMLT when I first began to learn to ring. However, he gave of his time, expertise, interest in my progression, and did help me along the ringing path, as did Katherine. They were a courting couple when I first met them, obviously in love, and always laughing, disagreeing too but having fun. David was instructive in just watching his style. Sometimes I came across him striding about the town in his lunch hour; we'd have a short chat, smoke, and sometimes he would tell me a story of interest, of fun, concerning ringing/ringers. He had a lovely smile, sometimes looking almost secretive, and I would wonder what he was thinking !!! My thoughts are with Katherine, George, Colin, Henry. Stay strong family, you gave him such love and care, and you know he loved you. Very best Wishes, Sandy Jones. Phil sends best wishes and his sympathy.